Welcome to
Bubble Support

Offering an original, personal approach to disability services in Outer Eastern Melbourne.

What We Do

Bubble support offer support coordination for NDIS plans for all ages. We can help you with:


  • Pre-planning for NDIS
  • Budgeting your existing NDIS plan
  • Understanding your NDIS Plan
  • Finding appropriate disability services
  • Self-management training
  • Accessing concession schemes
  • Carer support programs
  • Person centred whole of life planning

Why choose Bubble Support?

Support Coordination

Here is how Bubble Support can help you with Support Coordination

Once you have received your funding package from the NDIA, we can support you to understand you NDIS Plan.  Each plan is allocated into separate categories: Core Support, Capital Funds and Assistive Technology.  We help you to understand how to use each category funding appropriately so that it lasts for the entirety of the plan.  From there, we can connect you with local Allied Health professionals, disability providers and support workers.  You tell us what is important to you or your loved one, and we will make the enquiries on your behalf.

NDIS Information

Here is how Bubble Support can help you with NDIS Information

It’s our job to support participants and families with accessing the NDIA.  We can support you with the application process and once you are deemed eligible, how to gather the relevant documents, reports and identification to apply for a funding package.  Once the application is made through the NDIA we can support you in each step of the assessment process – from nominating yearly goals, meeting with an LAC (Local Area Co-ordinator) and to receiving the final approval.  When your package is approved, we can discuss the breakdown of your funding package, how it is categorised and how to best benefit you or the participant.

Person-centred Whole of Life Planning

Here is how Bubble Support can help you with Person-centred Whole of Life Planning

We understand that disability is for life and as such, thinking about the future is sometime difficult to grasp.  We can offer advice to help you understand how to advocate for appropriate care and support for today and in the future.  We can help  you to gather a team of care professionals and support workers so you can feel comfortable knowing you or your participant is living their best life.  If you need help with a job or career, there are many services we can introduce so you can enter or stay in the workforce.

Social & Community Groups

Here is how Bubble Support can help you with Social & Community Groups

We listen to your specific recreational, intellectual, and physical wellbeing interests and deliver tailored options for local social and community group participation.  Bubble Support is local to the outer eastern suburbs of Melbourne, and as such, have access and knowledge of many disability groups and support services in the area.  Whether it be sport, art, music or therapy we can point you in the right direction.  We can make enquiries on your behalf so you may make informed choices that best suit your funding and your interests, while also aligning with your goals.

Concession Schemes

Here is how Bubble Support can help you with Concession Schemes

If you are a carer or family member of a participant, you may be eligible for concessions on many of your everyday expenses. If your family member is under the age of 16 we can advise you how to access Centrelink benefits such as Carer Payment and Carers Allowance.  Once the child turns 16 years old they can then become eligible for a Disability Support Pension.  We can offer guidance and support to register for benefits and entitlements. Also where appropriate we can advise on Power of Medical/Financial Authority once the participant turns 18 years of age.

Carer Support Programs

Here is how Bubble Support can help you with Carer Support Programs

Are you caring for someone with a mental illness, disability, chronic disease or illness? There are a range of carer support programs that may be of interest to you. Carers can often become burnt out, lost in the day to day role of taking care of someone with additional needs.  Taking some time for their own recreation, health and career is vital to the wellbeing of a carer.  It is important that all carers understand their needs are just as significant as the needs of their loved one.  We can offer advice to find a range of support groups or respite services.  There are also recreational and social groups, health advisors and other services available to carers.  We can help you navigate them all and find your tribe!

Why choose Bubble Support?

Caring Support

Fast & Reliable

Locally Based

Direct Access

Family Friendly

All Are Welcome

Are You
In Our Bubble?

Call us today (03) 8719 3092

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